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Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System

Arthrex Eclipseâ„¢ Total Shoulder System1 Image Courtesy:

What is the Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System?

The Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System is a stemless shoulder replacement device that consists of a metal humeral component and a polyethylene glenoid component. It is designed to restore the natural anatomy and function of the shoulder joint in patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumatic arthritis.

How does the Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System work?

The Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System works by replacing the damaged surfaces of the humerus (upper arm bone) and the glenoid (socket of the shoulder blade) with artificial components that mimic the shape and movement of the natural shoulder joint. The humeral component has a spherical head that articulates with the glenoid component, which has a concave surface. The humeral component has a short fenestrated cage screw that fits into the humeral canal without cement, allowing for bone growth and stability. 

What are the Benefits of the Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System?

The Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System has several benefits over conventional stemmed shoulder replacements, such as:

  • Reduced risk of complications such as infection, loosening, fracture, or nerve injury due to the stemless design and minimal bone removal
  • Improved range of motion and function due to the anatomical fit and alignment of the components
  • Enhanced patient satisfaction and quality of life due to the reduced pain and improved shoulder function
  • Faster recovery and rehabilitation due to the less invasive surgical technique and shorter operative time

How do you Prepare for Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder Surgery?

Specific instructions will be provided by your doctor. Here are some general guidelines:

  • You will need to undergo a physical examination, blood tests, and imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scan to evaluate your shoulder condition and plan the surgery. 
  • You will need to inform your surgeon about any medications, supplements, or allergies that you have, and follow their instructions on how to stop or adjust them before the surgery.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions about when to stop eating and drinking before the surgery.
  • You will also need to arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery and help you with your daily activities for a few weeks.

Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder Surgery Procedure

You will be placed in the beach chair position and given general or regional anesthesia. Your surgeon will make an incision on the front of your shoulder and expose the shoulder joint. The damaged surfaces of the humerus (upper arm bone) and the glenoid (socket of the shoulder blade) will be removed and prepared for the implant. The surgeon will then insert the metal humeral component into the humeral canal without cement, and secure it with screws. The polyethylene glenoid component will be inserted into the glenoid with cement. The fit and alignment of the components and the range of motion of the shoulder will be tested. The incision will be closed with stitches or staples and dressing will be applied. The arm will then be placed in a sling.

Postsurgical Care

After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room where you will be monitored for any complications. You will be given pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection. You will also be given instructions on how to care for your incision, use your sling, perform gentle exercises, and when to resume your normal activities. You will need to follow these instructions carefully and attend regular follow-up visits with your surgeon. You will also need to participate in a physical therapy program that will help you regain your shoulder strength, function, and mobility.

What are the Risks associated with the Arthrex Eclipse™ Total Shoulder System?

There is a minimal risk of bleeding, infection, delayed healing, or failure of the implant after the surgery.